Thursday 12 April 2012

Difference Between HTTP and HTTPS Protocols


HTTP or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol symbolizes how information is transferred in to and fro direction between the client machine and the web server. Here, protocol signifies the language in which the information is transferred. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol transmission would take place over PORT 80, via a wire. When you write http:// in the address bar, it indicates that the website you are visiting is lacks security features, enough to caution you, not to share confidential information across the net. The information transferred to the website can be available to third party making it vulnerable.


HTTPS or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure is a safe and secure way of transferring information from the client machine to the web server. The ‘S’ in the end is what makes HTTPS different from HTTP, tagging it with extra security. HTTPS Protocol was brought forward by Netscape and was introduced as an inbuilt feature into Netscape’s browser. PORT 443 is used in HTTPS while interacting with TCP/IP, instead of PORT 80 as used in HTTP.
While we use http, for surfing normal websites, https, on the contrary is used while logging into online shopping sites where the credit card information is disclosed to maintain the security of information passed. The first page that you encounter while entering https in the address bar is “You are about to view pages over a secure connection.” The moment you type https, the interaction with the website is made secure where no third person can have an access to the details you put forward, there.

For this reason, you need to be careful that you never enter your bank or login details into any http website. The risk factor is maximum for such websites to be given your sensitive information across.

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